Rick Owens

Spring-Summer 2014 – The theme of Rick Owen’s collection this season was definitely 1980’s rock-grunge. There was lots of black and lots of leather; lots of zips and lots of mesh. The only thing that pointed towards the fact that this was a Spring/Summer collection was the fact that there was a couple of outfits that were entirely white (a stark contrast to all of the black) There was a lots of shorts and sleeveless jackets as well as some heavier overcoats. There were some garments which had some cut out parts as well, as a hint to the season it was aimed at. The models themselves had messy ‘rockstar’ hair which suited the topic perfectly.


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Written by Kelly Mitchell

Kelly Mitchell, extremely competent and reliable, she is currently in her third year at the University of Lincoln UK, studying Fashion. Kelly is responsible for the Fabrics, Fibers and Leathers sections of our Dictionary

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