


无根鞋的设计者是André Perugia,一位在1937年创立了自己的品牌的的设计师。这种鞋的款式在当时并没有立刻流行。直到21世纪的一个设计师Noritaka Tatehana开始重新制作无根鞋。无根鞋的设计受到了用空罐制作木屐的启发。自从这些现代高跟鞋成为焦点,许多设计师在系列作品中推出了自己的无根鞋。Jean Paul Gaultier在巴黎2012年春夏系列中展示了他设计的无根鞋。

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Written by Paige Carter

Paige Carter, studying footwear and accessories at Northampton University. She has passion and eye for footwear and loves handbags and enjoys fashion writing and blogging. Ambitions to be a shoes and accessories designer. Paige is part of Catwalk yourself writing the shoes dictionary section.

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