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柬埔寨风格在时尚界迅速蹿红并占有一席之地,在近期的柬埔寨时装周上涌现出很多有潜力的设计师,如Eric Raezina(因与Christian Lacroix合作而出名的柬埔寨设计师),折中派的民族风设计的欣赏者人数增加到前所未有的数量。这种风格服饰大多运用柬埔寨本地丝,其国家的时尚传统上为非洲式设计。传统花样和鲜艳夺目的颜色融合宽大的轮廓成为当下设计师引领摩登时尚,进行因血汗工厂和奴役制度而闻名的本国时尚革命的模板。

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Written by Jacob Hall

Jacob Hall is a modern languages student currently working freelance as a fashion journalist. Can generally be found lurking around the Givenchy menswear section of the Birmingham Bullring!


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